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"Never be limited by other people's limited imagination."

- Dr. Mae Jemison

Meet Kiko Lee Harden

Founder/CEO of Be By Intent

Be By Intent (BBI) founder and CEO, Kiko Lee Harden, is passionate about inspiring and empowering women and girls to JUST BE.


As someone who lost her way, over the years, to fear and pursuing someone else’s dreams, Kiko woke up one day to find herself in a place she didn’t recognize.  It was empty, it was unsettling, and it was unfulfilling.  That all began to change, however, when she heard someone on television say, “be fearless,” when she noticed these words on a notepad, “never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations,” and when she read a quote, about a cowgirl, off of a bathroom wall.  In each instance, the words were like fire that ignited something in her soul.  Kiko was energized, inspired, and empowered by them and she wanted to energize, inspire, and empower others.  BBI is her way of doing just that.  If seeing and hearing these words could jolt her into action, she knows that someone else can benefit from them as well.  “We live in a world,” she says, “that is constantly trying to limit and define us, and we often need to be reminded that we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14),’ and that who we are is enough.”      


Kiko ultimately hopes that BBI will empower women to live as a response to love and to release fear in their daily lives, and that its message will be the push they need to step out of the boat and walk on water.


Kiko lives in the Atlanta area.  She loves working out, traveling, spending quality time with her husband, and living life.

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